Posted by : Unknown
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Introduction: With a stroke of common luck and uncommon genius, it is quite possible for moderate bloggers to monetize their blogs through earnest and honest work, and increase revenue streams. One should have a business. One can use blogs to market one’s business. Another possibility is to make business out of blogging. It is left to individuals’ discretion as in which one they prefer.While the idea seems impressive on paper, putting blog monetization along the right and productive way does require a great deal of planning, patience, perseverance and progressive-minded thinking, rare in these days of the fast buck syndrome.
Tip # 1: The first question that you need to answer candidly and honestly is whether your current blog is worth investing in. For yes, well and good, but if you are not sure, it is necessary and important to make the blog, as I say, monetize and investment- worthy. It not only needs to be well built and attractive, but also needs to have useful and appropriate content value that excites, stimulates and make blog readers wanting more. Advertisers would indeed seek advertising mileage for the ads they place in your blogs, whether as banners or themes, and you cannot afford to demotivate them. Once the scene is set, in terms of quality blog with excellent get up and contents, not forgetting a Remarks Section, the skies would not be able to set limits for your earnings and heightened blog monetization revenue streams. If you aim for the skies, you may reach the treetops.
Tip #2: In the long run, Per-Per-Click (PPC) schemes only work out productively if the advertiser gamble pays off and the potential clients become real paying clients, since productive clients are shade better than potential clients. Thus the motto of bloggers would also be in terms of gaining maximum readership and remarks that could become WIN-WIN situation for all stakeholders, blog owners included.
Tip # 3: Affiliate marketing is indeed preferred destinations for blog owners who would like to contribute to increased sales for products and merchandise, usually preferred and popular brands. But here again, while this seems a safe bet, affiliate programs work on pre-determined covenants between affiliate companies and associates, in terms of mandatory minimum clicks( usually 1,000 clicks) to qualify for commission and several other clauses included in fine print. It is also necessary to exercise prime caution in selecting which brands to promote and market along with modus operandi of such business promotional strategies. To begin with, it is in good business sense to begin with caution tempered with common sense and avoids overselling yourself.
Tip# 4: Use the blog to promote your own products and services seems in line with good business savvies, especially if you go the whole route yourself, and do not engage middlemen with whom you would otherwise need to share profits. Besides, you are the best man to know your business best and this could add to better marketing techniques and strategies, which could be well monetized.
Blogs should be written keeping the target audience in mind. The more people view the blog posts, the more prosperous the blog becomes.Blog monetization is not a bad idea provided you set your mind and will to succeed. There are many paths to gain wealth, but the main goal, or objective is to make good use of blogs to make honest, hard earned money and help the business grow. The roads to blog monetization are not easy but could be made so with proper planning, self determination to win at it, self-restraint and an uncommon amount of common sense in dealing and overcoming challenging business situations of all hues and colors.
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